
Professional Meeting: Synergies for Growth and Collaboration

The FIEXPO Meetings Hub, located in a central position within the show, is equipped with state-of-the-art “Silent Theater” technology for simultaneous translation. This space is designed to foster knowledge sharing and professional collaboration. This year, the forum will focus on the transformative potential of artificial intelligence tools in the meetings industry, highlighting how these technologies are redefining the way we interact and connect in the professional arena. In addition, topics such as regenerative event generation and the importance of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity in the industry will be explored.

Wednesday, June 12 | 15:20 – 16:50 | Panama Convention Center


The event will provide a networking and learning space, where participants can interact with other professionals, share experiences and innovative solutions. The event will feature 60 prominent speakers who will address a wide variety of topics related to tourism and, in particular, event organization. The goal is to encourage interaction between attendees and promote professional growth. Each participant will have the option to choose the topics of interest to them and enjoy more than 32 sessions.

Through interaction and mutual learning, we hope that participants will strengthen their skills and knowledge, and establish lasting relationships with other professionals, thus creating new opportunities.

Do you have any questions?

Contact our commercial team for more information.